Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cat Housekeeper

Today I went to clear up my stuff at my skybox. My stay in the skybox is more or less up. Tashi is nice to provide me a room to stay. However, I cant just have a room and do nothing.

Here’s come the cat housekeeper!

Tashi wants to get the cats to mate quickly. Hence, I decide to cuddle them everyday, for half an hour for as long as I have the time. My first cat I take care of is Blast.

cat housekeeper_004

Upclose on Blast. SL likes to give me the “face” problem.

To say the truth, I find it weird that cuddling the cats could speed up mating. Arent they suppose to mate naturally?

 cat housekeeper_002

The cuddling animation doesn’t suit my kid avatar.

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Here is how Blast looks like.

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His mate, Action. She is very beautiful. Blast must be very happy.


Tashi Core said...

lol. you can fix the face texture problem by rebaking your textures.

RedIce Cioc said...

Thanks for telling me. I didnt know.